Course Description for
Marine Navigation
We are excited to offer the new Marine Navigation course this winter. The USPS has completely modernized its Piloting course to become more relevant to today’s boater.
Learn the essentials of safe coastal and inland navigation using basic GPS in conjunction with charts and other available marine data. The Marine Navigation course teaches you how to use the GPS along with traditional dead reckoning techniques for planning and laying out safe routes, as well as ensuring that you are on-course while underway. In this course you will learn:
Charts and their interpretation
How to interpret landmarks and other navigation aids
How to plot a course and determine distance and direction
Basic compass fundamentals
Use of basic GPS displays and how to interpret the information they provide
The use of OpenCPN, a software tool for preplanning a course
How to monitor your progress using the tools available to you
The Seaman’s Eye – simple skills for safe navigation
This is a 10 week class. Cost includes the printed book. Upon completion of the exam you will receive credit for Marine Navigation and will have an P grade after your name. Worried about making a 10-week commitment? Don’t be. Our instructor team has the flexibility and work with your schedule should you miss some classes.