Course Description for
ABC America's Boating Course
The America’s Boating Course (ABC3) offers a comprehensive introduction to recreational boating. Successful completion of the ABC3 review and multiple choice examination held at the end of class meets the education requirements for boater operator certification approved by the Georgia DNR and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).
Who should take ABC3?
In Georgia, if you were born after January 1, 1998 you are required to have a NASBLA approved boating safety certificate to operate a boat legally.
If you are new to boating this course begins to build your confidence around boats through knowledge of:
o Boat types and terminology
o Required Safety Equipment
o Government and State Regulations
o Navigation Rules of the Road
o Water Sports Safety
o Introductory Boat Handling Skills
o So much more…
If you are new to boating in Savannah waters this course introduces you to some local water’s knowledge through certified local instructors
If you want to meet other boater who are interested in enhancing their boating knowledge