Get Started, Become a Better Boater,
Expand Your Boating Horizons
​The America's Boating Course trifold shares the benefits and features of this great course.
The Become a Better Boater trifold provides an overview of USPS/ABClub educational programs.
Our Offerings
Want to be a safer, more confident boater? Whether you're looking to get started or to expand your boating knowledge and skills as the primary boat operator or crew, our educational programs are here to help.
If you're new to boating or need a refresher, start with America's Boating Course, taught by volunteers who have a passion for helping students learn, certified instructor credentials, strong technical knowledge, and real-world experience.
Continue your education with courses and seminars on specialized topics, and be sure to ask us about on-the-water (OTW) training programs.
Test your knowledge and skills against the standards of our Boat Operator Certification (BOC) program and earn BOC certification as an inland or coastal navigator.
How to start:
Talk to our Educational Officer.
Check out our trifolds, course and seminar descriptions, and overview of our OTW/BOC programs.
Start planning your educational path with the help of our club's detailed How to Plan Your Courses and Seminars guide.
See our list of Upcoming Classes to register and participate.